Italian Government sets new regulations from 15 October and until 31 December 2021, term of termination of the status of emergency, stating that the use of the Green Certification Covid-19 (GREEN PASS) will be extended to the world of public and private work. This is provided by Decree-Law No 127 of 21/09/2021.
The GREEN PASS is a digital and printable (paper) certification, which contains a two-dimensional barcode (QR Code) and a qualified electronic seal. In Italy, it is issued only through the national platform of the Ministry of Health.
The Certification certifies one of the following conditions:
- have done vaccination against COVID-19 (in Italy is issued both at the first dose and at the completion of the cycle of vaccination)
- be negative to the rapid antigenic test or molecular test performed in the last 48 hours
- be cured from COVID-19 in the last six months
The decree law provides that <<....... they are required to possess and to exhibit on request green certificates those who work in the private sector. Possession and exhibition, on request, of the Green Certificate are required to access the workplace...>>
The application of the aforesaid norm is also foreseen for the Italian flagged yachts or foreign flagged yachts with Italian ship-owner (Society or Italian Natural Person) that are moored in the Italian marinas and ports, or in the works at Italian shipyards.
The Master of the yacht will have to establish the operating modalities and the organization of the checks of the Certificates Green Pass at the moment time of access on board by the crew.
According to the provisions of the aforementioned D.L. those who do not have a Green Pass will not be able to access on board, <<.... to protect the health and safety of workers at the place work...>> and will be considered unjustified absent until the submission of the above certification and in any case no later than 31 December 2021, term of termination of the status of emergency, without disciplinary consequences and with the right to preserve the job.
For further information, please contact us for assistance and operational assistance.